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Visual or Hearing Impairment

Whether you are visually or hearing impaired, we will do our best to make your trip as safe and pleasant as possible. During your booking, please let us know your preferred level of assistance. A friendly reminder to our airport staff is always appreciated, even if your special assistance request has already been noted on the reservation.

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Blind or visually impaired passengers

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Here is some information you may find helpful:

At the airport

  • If you are travelling alone, a Meet and Assist Service is available for guidance to and from the aircraft gate. If you require this service, please let us know. Pre-boarding service is also offered.
  • At some of our airport locations you may request a gate pass to a family member or friend, which allows them to escort you to the gate, or to meet you at the gate in your arrival city. The airport has the final approval of this request based on the current security level. The individual requesting the gate pass must present a valid government-issued photo identification.
  • If you have a connection, we can also provide you with assistance when transferring from one flight to another or with status information for your connecting flight.

If you need curbside assistance, we recommend that you request it in advance by contacting our Disability Assistance line at least 48 hours prior to your flight’s departure. Learn more about Curbside assistance.

Onboard the aircraft

  • Upon boarding the aircraft, the cabin crew can help you get seated and assist you with safely stowing your carry-on.
  • As part of your individual safety briefing, you will be provided with an opportunity to conduct a tactile familiarization with the equipment you may need to use, with your immediate environment, and with the nearest emergency exit.
  • All aircraft in the Porter fleet have Braille and large-print safety instructions cards. To locate them, simply ask the cabin crew.
  • At your request, a flight attendant can provide limited assistance with inflight snack and beverage services (e.g., unwrapping foods and identifying items).
  • Cabin crew can also accompany you between your seat and the lavatory.

Deaf or hearing impaired passengers

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The TTY line for Porter is available by dialing 711

Please tell us about your specific needs when you are booking your flight. You are not required to let Porter know if you wish to bring onboard hearing aids, special headsets or any other battery operated assistive listening devices.

At the airport

  • If you are travelling on your own, let us know if you want us to arrange an escort to guide you from the check-in counter to the boarding gate.
  • You are welcome to board the aircraft ahead of other passengers if you prefer.
  • Let the gate agent know if you need help hearing important flight updates.

Onboard the aircraft

  • Onboard, our cabin crew members have been trained to communicate with passengers that are hard of hearing or deaf. Please do not hesitate to let them know if you need an individual safety briefing or any additional assistance.
  • When inflight announcements are made, cabin crew will do their best to provide relevant individual updates to you (where operationally possible) using your preferred communication method (for example, lip reading or written notes). Please make yourself known to the crew to indicate your preferences.

Severe vision and hearing impairment

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If Porter staff determines that your vision and hearing impairments prevent you from establishing means of communication with the cabin crew sufficient to receive and understand safety instructions, Porter will require you to travel with an attendant (someone to help you during the flight in case of emergency).

To learn more about bringing a personal attendant to help you with your personal and physical needs during travel, please review Travelling with a Personal Attendant.

Additional information

To learn more about other Porter services that are tailored for specific needs, please review Our Disability Assistance Services.

If you are travelling with a service animal, you will find useful information at Service Animals.

You are not required to travel with an attendant unless you have specific requirements over and above the care offered by Porter. However, if you feel that you need an attendant to help you with your personal and physical needs during travel, please review Travelling with a Personal Attendant.